Mother Nature surprised us a bit this year, telling us that it’s already time for the trees to bloom and the grass to grow. In this part of the United States, the spring pollinating season usually starts at least two to four weeks later than it did this year. Of course, it’s early because we’ve had an extremely warm winter. Nature’s thermostat has been turned up in much of the region.
The pollination process begins with trees. In this area, pollination starts toward the end of March and continues through May. Probably the last trees to pollinate are the oak trees. Grass pollen starts around the beginning of May, reaching a peak by Memorial Day. Toward the end of June, most grass pollen has diminished but some sticks around throughout the summer. Ragweed and other weed pollen starts by mid August and continues until the end of October or earlier if there’s an early frost.
Many allergy sufferers get a break in the middle of the summer since less pollen is present. Unfortunately, some allergy patients are allergic to mold, and the peak mold season is in the middle of July. It ends when the ground is frozen.
If you’re already suffering from spring allergies, give us a call. We can you help address the problem – and get relief.